

Showing posts with label Diary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diary. Show all posts

Wednesday 1 November 2017


I have found a dream that has become my reality. I thought you would be that person that would make the pieces fit rightly together. But you never did try. You loved me to the extent your ego permitted. You never truly give every bit of your heart. You have a way of keeping the part that helps you breathe the breath of resentment and malice.

I  am not entirely correct. You weren't really meant for me, but I couldn't let the idea of letting you go find a place in my heart. I wanted you at the cost of our lives.

They may say no one ever can tell the cause of a broken home, but here is a clue for them : That she broke your heart may not be her fault. It doesn't make her the bad person. Sometimes, it takes a broken heart to bring one to a point where one realizes that one was never compatible with the other.

The other person may not be entirely wrong. They may happen on you as a 'right person for the wrong person.'

So when they say NO to you. Let it go. You will find a resounding YES soonest!


Tuesday 2 August 2016

Dear Jimoh [page two] - Andrew Osas Igbineweka

Hello beauties!

This piece is addressed to an imaginary son whose name is Jimoh. The writer in person is me. Yes, I wrote it originally. The mom is that lady you know about. The lady that shares the same fears as this.
However, I am going to be sharing it in pages. I previously shared the first page and if you clicked >DEAR JIMOH - Page 1< it would take you there. This is to make it bearable for those who find reading exhausting.  It is just three pages. So expect the next page by tomorrow. Thanks!

I'd like for you to leave me a response in the comment field.



I am writing you this letter to tell you that the darkness in the world would remain if you continue to hide in it. I am telling you that long after you are gone, millions of parents would write to their precious Jimoh this same letter, simply because you refused to eliminate the darkness in your sphere of influence. I am writing to tell you that the child inside of you is dying to come out into the dark; dying to shine his light; dying to show the world the way. I am telling you via this means that the giant in you is much greater than Goliath. Have you imagined what it would have been if little David did not take up courage and stand before the monstrous Goliath? Probably we would still be hiding away from the philistines. But David believed beyond any reasonable doubt that the light in him that edged him to kill wild animals could also take down Goliath.
Jimoh, I write this letter to tell you that your worries are like a toddler who looks like a giant when you are far off, but as soon as you approach the image, you would soon realize it was the fear, the distance between you two that made it appear greater, bigger. Replace your fear with faith Jimoh and see what miracles are possible when you believe.
Always remember that your fears are angels willing to be freed but held back by the shackles of your doubt and unbelief
Jimoh the economic system in Nigeria is not the problem. The educational system is not your problem. People go to school to discover purpose. 70% of the students that gain admission do not know why they are studying whatever course they are studying. Don’t limit your faith by the systems that are laid down by faulty and incapacitated government. Do not rely on what the country can give you.
Dear Jimoh, I urge you to burst forth and remember your dreams and aspirations. Remember the zest of the child you once were and build your desired life with the strength of the man you are. Tread the darkened paths with the innocence of a child and the bravery of the giant that you are. Who said you cannot build sky scrapers in space? Who said you cannot have your own airplane? Who said you cannot run for President? Who said you cannot get up and walk? Who said you cannot travel around the world? Who said you cannot learn that trade? Who said you cannot graduate with first class? Who said you cannot talk to that beautiful girl? Who said you cannot address a crowd? Who said you cannot be happily married?
Who said you cannot start that business? Who said... 

Thanks for reading!
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Tuesday 25 August 2015

BANJI ABIOYE [ @fabolousbanji ] : Photography explains life in all essence! #‎fabatelier‬

This guy, Banji Abioye is a very creative photographer. I have been following his art for a while now, and somehow, I feel the photographer in me rising up to duty. I feel like delving into photography any time I come across his pictures.

Contact him on facebook for your PhotoShoot!!!
Today I decided to do a collection of his previous works, and here it is. The ladies are quite unknown to me but they look beautiful. Take your time to check out other photos after the cut.