

Showing posts with label Awesome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awesome. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 September 2015

CEO of Doxology Music and award winning music producer releases Themed Photos Ahead Of Sept. 20th Birthday


If you have been active online this week, you couldn’t have missed the activities on Wilson Joel’s social media as the CEO of Doxology Music and award winning music producer has been oozing with testimonies! 

The music magnate, as he is fondly referred to is set to celebrate his birthday on the 20th of September and has released happy-themed photos in commemoration of the day.
“Today, I remember the days when I couldn't feed 1 square meal a day. Days when my life was a total shade of doubts, low self esteem and absolute dark clouds… The days garri, groundnuts and salt made me shout ‘Thank You Jesus!’ …Someone else might not know it but I am a BETA version of me today because I endured all those periods in my life!” Wilson Joel said.

Wilson Joel’s photos tell the story of how things have turned out now juxtaposing with how things where – another side of the story which he has been posting on his social media accounts.

Monday 14 September 2015

11 choices rich people make that you probably aren't trying out! [MUST READ]

1. Rich people think and act differently than the rest of us. They aren't born with this "rich mentality" — they learn how and then choose to think and act this way.
It's a concept that has been in print for nearly a century — thanks to a journalist's research of more than 500 self-made millionaires in the early 20th century — and continues to gain relevance today.
In T. Harv Eker's bestselling book, "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind," the self-made millionaire identifies specific choices the wealthiest people make on a daily basis that most of us fail to emulate.
Here are 11 of them, with commentary from Eker's bestseller:

2. Rich people choose to be in control of their success.

Rich people choose to be in control of their success.
Kevin Winter/Getty Images
"Rich people believe, 'I create my life,'" "while average people think, 'Life happens to me.'" writes Eker,
You have to be in control of your financial life, he opines: "You have to believe that you are the one who creates your success, that you are the one who creates your mediocrity, and that you are the one creating your struggles around money and success. Consciously or unconsciously, it's still you."

Thursday 16 July 2015

On #StalkList today we have Samuel Olayiwola Ajibola A.K.A (Donsam musiQ) the C.E.O SOUL BROTHER ENTERTAINMENT

Samuel Olayiwola Ajibola A.K.A (Donsam musiQ) the C.E.O SOUL BROTHER ENTERTAINMENT, MODART Concepts LTD, Green Faces, & Donsam musiQ was born in Jos, plateau state in Northern Nigeria, in the early 80’s. He hails from Kogi state. Started singing in 1991, with the children choir of The Apostolic Church, Jos North Area Head Quarters. Started professional music in the year 1997, was honored with awards by Panam Music World, & Plateau Radio Television Corporation PRTVC in the year 2000, MSM AND MORE.