In this part of the world most people are turned off at the mention of the phrase NETWORK MARKETING. This is because most have had a rather mouth souring experience other than what it is really about. Some have been duped and lied to. Some were really about the get-rich-quick scheme other than building a timeline of unending relationship that will inevitably lead to customers willing and able to purchase products or services for real cash and other kinds of remuneration.
Network marketing in simple term is a medium of building business (product or service) simply by first, building a healthy relationship with people and then profering solutions to their problems. This inevitably leads to profits for the business. But firstly, it is about building trust in the relationship.
The mistake most people are quick to make is to make it all about their business and how they can leverage on every opportunity to make profits. Yes, this is the reason why we build these relationship. But the aim is to build trust. You do not want people feeling used and manipulated into believing they need your product when in real sense they don't. Make sure you build sincerely, relationships that are based on trust. And then people will start to purchase your products out of sheer obligation towards you.
Another crucial factor in network marketing is that it is all about setting goals and doing all within your power to achieve those set goals. You must set goals. You must have a planned out venture for each day, starting from the very first step towards achieving the goals. You must put in all of your resources into the business to see that is results in firstly, a sustainable relationship based on trust and then profits.. If your environment doesn't support your effort in trying to build these (relationship and profit) then you have to make it work for you or simply find a place that will.
You need to also know that everybody is selling something. It may not be a visible product, but everyone is selling something - good or bad.
A friend was out with me. We walked down the street and talked about a lot of things. And then I stopped to speak to some persons about my business and how it would profit them. And the work I am putting in to see that I get my services to them at a cheaper rate than they are getting. Once I was done speaking to this prospect. My friend got on with how marketing was not his thing. He is not the kind of person that goes out of his house with the aim to sell something, but he does without knowing. Network Marketing makes you aware that you are selling something other than simply doing so subconsciously. It is in this that one profits.
Network marketing is without doubt a proven way to build a business. If well - harnessed, one is sure to make tremendous profits from simply doing all we do everyday - building relationships based on trust and earning a fortune out of it.
I am exploring new grounds. You should too.
More tips coming soon.
follow on social media @andreyyte
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