

Monday 28 August 2017


1.       No one can live it the way you can –
This is your life. Enough of the excuses – you need to put your neck out there and strive for something other than the status quo. There are no two persons, and as such only you can live your life to the fullest. Take risk and fail at a thing or two if you must. When you fail keep the spirit of curiosity alive and continue to ask WHY you failed until you get answers. No one can live your life the way it is meant to be lived other than you. There is a path that you must create for others to follow through.
 2.       God has got your back –

God created you for a purpose, whether you believe it or not. You may not know the reason why you were created now, but never doubt that there is a sure purpose why you are alive. And God has made available resources for that purpose for which He has ordained you. Every living soul is an answer to a problem here on earth. Challenges are for people to solve. When you solve a challenge, you are named after the solution. Thomas Edison will not be known today if he had complained all through his life and not accept responsibility for it. He was created to solve a problem and he did solve it.

3.       Someone is out to take a cue from you –

If for nothing, let’s at least live out our life as an example for others to follow. Let’s live our life so it would be easier to train out children since we already have a living proof of the benefit of following though with these principles. You can teach a child how to succeed simply by succeeding. You won’t need to point at others for an example. You will just tell your story and watch them learn from it.

4.       People care about you but not as much as you do –
If you are conversant with social media, then you probably have felt this way. Sometimes you go on facebook, post a picture and are expecting a number of likes. You check your notifications and are disappointed at the low amount of likes you get. It doesn’t change your worth. The amount of like you get on facebook usually doesn’t tell the amount of like you have in real life. People care about you but not as much as you do for yourself. You need to add value. Add value not only to the social hemisphere. Add value to your life. People are busy living their lives and you are here beating yourself up. You need to start living your life because people out there are doing the same.  

5.       20 years from now, whatever you do with your life would decide whether or not you record more regrets than success. –

One of the things that keep people on a spot for too long that they should is fear. People are afraid of a lot of things. Afraid of addressing a crowd, afraid of engaging in a conversation, afraid of talking to a stranger, afraid of joining a group of people to pursue a course, afraid of heights, afraid of blood worms, afraid… Fear has crippled the creative mind of a large number of the youth. And this is why we have more mediocre than we do successful people. People just want to be comfortable. Even God doesn’t like to see people comfortable in their least. When he sees that you are beginning to get comfortable in mediocrity, he brings challenges our way to engage our minds.
At the end of the day, what you have done with your life would decide whether you will tell success stories or that of regrets. Get up and do something with whatever talent you have. There is a problem that needs to hear your name. Opportunities don’t come wrapped in silver linen. Opportunities come in filthy garments. You must have a mind that recognizes opportunities and a heart that can endure until these opportunities are refined into the solution that the world will pay to have.

In conclusion, there are other reasons why you should live your life. You owe it to yourself to succeed. No more excuses. Bring for your strong reasons and let us reason together.

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