

Friday 5 August 2016

Dear Jimoh [Part three] - Andrew Osas Igbineweka

This piece is addressed to an imaginary son whose name is Jimoh. The writer in person is me. Yes, I wrote it originally. The mom is that lady you know about. The lady that shares the same fears as this.
However, I am going to be sharing it in pages. I previously shared the first and second pages and if you clicked >DEAR JIMOH - Page 1<  and/or >DEAR JIMOH - Page 2< it would take you there. This is to make it bearable for those who find reading exhausting.  It is just three pages and this is the last.  Thanks!

I'd like for you to leave me a response in the comment field.

Who said you cannot travel around the world? Who said you cannot learn that trade? Who said you cannot graduate with first class? Who said you cannot talk to that beautiful girl? Who said you cannot address a crowd? Who said you cannot be happily married?
Who said you cannot start that business? Who said you cannot own an album? Who said you need to graduate before you can own a business? Who said you cannot write a book?
Jimoh, you can do whatever you set your mind to.
If you can only believe Jimoh, there is nothing impossible to you!
Go out there and take the darkness out of the world. You are a light, and the darkness is scared of you!
Always remember this Jimoh: 

Your Fears Are Angels Willing To Be Freed But Held Back By The Shackles Of Your Doubt And Unbelief

Follow on IG : @andreywrites

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