

Wednesday 9 September 2015

"we should aim more to find justice rather than equality." Fashionista tells Andreyytesblog

Dominique is fashion and lifestyle blogger who has just started a blog titled DEARDOM that highlights her interests as well as what she finds interesting to her viewers.

The hair and fitness enthusiast who is from Toronto, Canada in her words decribes herself as "a blogger of fashion, hair, beauty and fitness."

"I love watching Youtube videos; trying new things with my hair, researching new makeup and learning new makeup tips."
These she considers as things she does to find inspiration.

She is such an amazing personality with a goal in mind. She says she was influenced by her upbringing and that has played a major role in determining what she is presently doing.

"I would say my upbringing influenced me alot. I grew up in Canada."

She is a beautiful lady I must say *winks!*, and the way she puts on her smile it always fits in with the makeup and her dress. It is as though she has a smile to fit whatever it is she is wearing.

Talking about ideologies, the belief that one has to strive to fight for equality has proven unyielding as the CEO Deardom believes that "we should aim more to find justice rather than equality."

"I would want to change the world by changing people's mentality, getting rid of class division (99-1%) and eliminating gender, race, sexual orientation discrimination."

Contact her on SocialMedia

Click Pinterest , Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to follow/like/view her posts!


Hair Experience

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